Industrial Radio Frequency (RF) Power Tubes:
We sell the most common types of tubes, and some of the more rare varieties as well. We also sell rebuilt tubes.
High Voltage Rectifiers:
Solid state rectifier assemblies, rectifier stacks, tube replacements, and individual diodes.
Inductors and Isolators:
Chokes and coils, supported and unsupported, custom and standard. Insulators: Standoffs, feed-thru, cap and flange, and others.
Vacuum Capacitors:
Vacuum capacitors, variable and fixed, glass and ceramic. Ceramic (Pancake), mica, doorknob, feed-thru and oil-filled. Corona cups and mounting flanges.
Special Capacitors:
Ceramic (Pancake), mica, doorknob, feed-thru and oil-filled. Corona cups and mounting flanges.
Other Parts and Accessories:
Resistors, double and single set point meters, panel meters, timers, relays, counters, vacuum switches, circuit breakers and flow switches.